Pre Primary (3-6yrs)

We at Kinfolk montessori playschool, give our little folks the freedom to explore and experiment with different art materials and techniques, by which we are fostering so much more learning. We believe that self-awareness is the key to all personal and intellectual growth of a child.

“The things he sees are not just remembered they from a part of his soul.”

- "Maria Montessori"

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Exercises of Practical Life.

The Exercises of Practical Life of the Montessori method are the link between the child’s home environment and the playschool kinfolk montessori These activities help refinement of muscular movement and development of fine motor skills. They also form a base for other learning skills needed to advance to the more complex Montessori equipment. The exercises of practical life materials encourage the children to concentrate and to work in their own space and complete their work. These activities help in building the child’s self-confidence and self-esteem.

The Exercises of Practical Life has four main areas: Refinement and control of movement, taking care of person, taking care of environment, and activities of grace and courtesy.

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The Sensorial Activities

The senses act as gateways to intelligence.The sensorial materials give the child experience in perceiving distinctions between similar and different things. Later the child learns to grade a set of similar objects that differ in a regular and measurable way from most to least. Each piece of equipment is generally a set of objects which isolate a fundamental quality perceived through the senses such as color, geometrical shapes and geometrical solids, dimension, texture, temperature, weight and taste.

Precise language such as loud/soft, long/short, rough/smooth, circle, square, cube etc is then associated to these sensorial experiences to make the world even more meaningful to the child.

The Language Activities

The Montessori approach provides a carefully thought-out program using a variety of activities such as songs, games, poems, stories and classified language cards to help the child master languages.

The preparation for writing activities begins with the exercises of practical life and sensorial activities.They also help the child to distinguish the different sounds which make up a language The symbols of alphabets are presented to the children in association with their individual sounds. The children get to hear the sound, see the symbol and can feel them by tracing the sandpaper letters. The concrete material of Montessori method encourages the child to form words, then phrases, sentences and finally stories.

language primary


The precise Montessori materials helps the the children understand abstract ideas of mathematics by working and experiencing the concrete form of it. The three year old child’s mind has already been awakened to mathematical ideas through the sensorial activities.

The activities to understand numbers are presented in the Montessori house of children and a connect is made with areas of Geometry, Algebra and Arithmetic. The child is introduced to the laws of decimal system using the golden bead materials. The child is then introduced to the four operations of Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication and Division through concrete materials. A variety of material and activities help the child memorise the basic combinations around the four operation too .


Science activities are nature-based and include the study of vertebrate and invertebrate animals, a variety of plant types and environments around the world that support this wide range of flora and fauna. Love and respect for all life are emphasized, In Zoology lessons, the children study the five classes of vertebrate animals, as well as insects, arachnids and ocean invertebrates. In botany lessons, topics include trees and leaves, seeds and flowers.

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geographical map


Children are given an introduction to physical and cultural geography through the use of wooden puzzle maps, activities with pictures from different continents.Songs, stories and games are incorporated into daily routines as we take in-depth look at each of the seven continent. Major land forms and waterforms are discussed and presented to the child using miniature model forms The children get an hands-on opportunity to work and play with them.


Painting, color mixing and collage are just some of the activities provided to show the care and use of art materials, to encourage creativity and just to have fun!

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school cultural programme

Music during Circle Time

At Kinfolk we pay special attention to provide quality during circle time. Variety of eye hand coordination songs with music and songs with coordination of body movements with rhythm are introduced to the child .

It provides an opportunity for singing, movement, listening, exploring musical instruments and exploring musical concepts. Children are also introduced to reading and musical notation and are helped to play several simple musical instruments.

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